Year: 2024
Understanding US Elections Through Althusser’s Lens
The 2024 US election reveals how ideology constructs parallel but incompatible realities. Each camp inhabits a distinct universe: Trump’s embattled nation versus Harris’ threatened democracy. This ideological schism, determining how events like Jan 6th are not merely interpreted but experienced, marks American democracy’s core challenge.
The Psychology of Emotions: A Freudian Model
We live our lives awash in emotion. Every day, reactions ripple through us – a moment of contentment while sipping morning coffee, a flicker of frustration during a difficult conversation, a quiet sadness when remembering someone we’ve lost. Yet these powerful forces that shape our lives can seem oddly ephemeral – a surge of anger […]
Political Theory and the US-China Relationship
A rising superpower challenges the existing global leader. Both are nuclear-armed, their economies deeply intertwined. They compete intensely, from the waters of Taiwan to Silicon Valley, but can’t afford open conflict. So, where’s the line between competition and catastrophe?
The AI Revolution: Next Steps
We stand on the brink of a new era in technology, and it’s crucial to reflect on the key developments that are shaping the future of AI and their implications for society, business, and everyday life. What trends in AI can we perceive for the coming year?
Shared Humanity in a Divided World?
Tribalisms create group cohesion and bonding, but it also leads to division and conflict. Our task today is to articulate the basis for a shared and universal humanity. How does the concept of solidarity exist in the psyche? We need to move towards a more flexible, holistic understanding of identity, towards greater compassion and unity.
Emergence: A Paradigm Shift in Scientific Thinking
The concept of emergence suggests that as systems become more complex, entirely new properties arise that cannot be explained by the behavior of individual components alone. These emergent qualities are irreducible to the underlying elements and their interactions.
Capitalism and its Contradictions
Contradictions are inherent to the capitalist system and cannot be resolved within its framework. They can only be temporarily displaced or postponed, but they will ultimately lead to crises and the need for a fundamental transformation of the economic system.