Category: Philosophy

  • Can Grammar Prove God? Reflections on Language, Time, and the Divine.

    Can Grammar Prove God? Reflections on Language, Time, and the Divine.

    A radical argument for God’s existence emerges from grammar itself: our ability to make meaningful statements about what “will have been” requires an eternal consciousness to preserve all truths. Without it, our language about past and future would reference nothing real, making communication meaningless.

  • Capitalism and its Contradictions

    Capitalism and its Contradictions

    Contradictions are inherent to the capitalist system and cannot be resolved within its framework. They can only be temporarily displaced or postponed, but they will ultimately lead to crises and the need for a fundamental transformation of the economic system.

  • Robert Spaemann on Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Robert Spaemann on Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Robert Spaemann (1927–2018) is a German Catholic Philosopher who engaged in his political philosophy with an early critic of the Enlightenment, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. What are the arguments in this discussion?

  • Meaning or Presence? Time in Contemporary Culture

    Meaning or Presence? Time in Contemporary Culture

    A new way of experiencing time is emerging in contemporary culture, influenced by globalization and technology. People seek to deepen and expand a sense of presence, and what fades away is a corner stone of modernity, the Cartesian subject: the expanded present challenges the idea of a subject who acts based on past experiences and…

  • Why Heterology?

    Why Heterology?

    There is a short and a long answer to this question: The short answer is captured in Gregory Bateson’s simple question: “What pattern connects the crab to the lobster, and the orchid to the primrose and all four of them to me? And me to you?” Heterology looks for the patterns between things that don’t…